What are some ways you gain and stay self-confident?
A. Introduction: Confidence, the key to success, is the belief in oneself. This means that what we do is completely correct.
B . Some ways to gain and stay confident.
1. To be up-to-date: We should have a good amount of knowledge on the topics of general and current affairs. If, in a meeting, the conversation turns to a contemporary topic, we should be able to discuss it intelligently.
2. Self-confidence: For example, when we say something, we should do it with confidence. If we don't believe that what we say is interesting, how will the audience find it interesting? Furthermore, we must speak slowly and in a well-arranged tone so that the listener can understand it clearly.
3. Looking Smart: We should make sure that we are well dressed. First impression is the best impression and we are judged first by our appearance.
4. Giving some self-suggestions: Even when we are not sure, we should think that we are confident. For example, if one of us is asked to introduce the speaker for the first time in life and has a feeling of nervousness, one must believe that it can be done perfectly. In addition, an auto-suggestion such as: "I am confident and I will introduce the speaker in the best way" can be said.
5. Thinking about past successes: We should remember our achievements as often as possible. For example, we can think about our success in our exams or how we managed a very important situation with ease.
6. Some daydreaming: We have to create a mental picture of ourselves as successful people. Slowly from our conscious mind, it will seep into our subconscious mind, with time, we will be a completely different person without even realizing it,
7. To be optimistic: Whenever a negative thought arises, we should cancel it with a positive thought. For example, if we feel that we will not be able to make a speech properly, we should immediately cancel it with a positive thought thinking that we will be able to make it in the best possible way.
To make it in the best possible way.
8. Creating our own style: We should not copy anyone. Imitating a person will make us feel that the person we imitate is superior and, as a result, we will suffer from an inferiority complex.