
self discipline best tips

1.What is the importance of self discipline?

✔️ Self discipline is something that helps you to continue your work without any hindrance. A self-disciplined person keeps on working even when he doesn't want to. Such a person does not postpone his work due to any external reason. All that work goes through regularly. Not only work, this self-discipline also helps him a lot to move ahead in life.

 If you want to achieve success, wealth, good health in life, then remember that self-discipline is very important in you. Without it, you will definitely start many things, but you will not be able to finish any one.

 If you don't believe, then look at your past, think of those tasks which you left without completing in the middle. Those tasks that you started but stopped working on them before you could finish them. This happened because you lacked self-discipline.

2.How can a person bring discipline in his life?

"Make a goal in life, keep your consciousness focused on the idea of ​​that goal and gradually discipline will become easy"

 From my experience there are some stages of discipline

 In the first stage, you break your resolve to discipline many times
 The second stage is a little higher, in which you can hold on to the will for some time.
  In the third highest state, discipline is not an action, it becomes your spontaneous mental state, then you do not have to carry that thought again and again to your consciousness, but that thought becomes your mental state and the energy to remain in the discipline also comes from the same idea
 To be disciplined, you have to be part of a chain, repeat the same routine, then that routine will become your mental state.

 True freedom is not to think of yourself as free by drifting in instincts like an animal, freedom is to keep yourself free by being disciplined.

 One who has learned to keep himself independent by being disciplined, has understood the essence of life.

 My method of discipline is this, whatever work I think of doing, I dedicate it to my beloved Shiva, this strengthens my devotion and also maintains discipline.

 Discipline is very bad in the beginning, but after becoming a habit, you can achieve anything, even God

3.  why is self discipline so important ?

If any person wants to bring discipline in his life, then he can easily bring it, but there are some rules for him, which are mandatory to follow. It's up to you what you want out of your life, and what changes you want to make. Let us tell you, how any person can bring discipline in his life.


✓ Working hours :-

 If you want to bring discipline in your life, then you must first set the time to do your work. You do all your work on time. This is most important to you.

✓Know your habits :-

 If you want to bring discipline into your life, you must identify your habits. If your habits are causing any problem to another person in any way, then improve your habit. With this, the people living around you will never have any problem with you.

 ✓ pay respect :-

 Discipline doesn't mean that people should be afraid of you. If you want to discipline yourself, then it is important that you should respect your elders as well as your younger ones. If you are a businessman, then you should respect your employees. This shows your discipline in you and in your work.

✓ Changes in methodology :-

 You should make a slight change in your methodology. Your changes will not only bring discipline in your life but will also make your work more exciting. If you create an atmosphere of laughter in your methodology, then it will not have any bad effect on your discipline.

 ✓ Change your attitude :-

 Discipline doesn't mean that you always keep your behavior the same, and it doesn't mean that you should always be proud. Change your attitude, both for other people and for yourself.

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